Links to YouTube Videos for Preparation Ideas

Important Warnings

Warning from a Farmer
Warning from a Farmer
Is Your House in Order Now?
Have you ever paused to realize what would happen to your community or nation if transportation were paralyzed...?
...How long would the corner grocery store - or supermarket sustain the needs of the community?
Ezra Taft Benson, 1982

Food Storage Ideas

Why Grocery Stores Have a Very Little in their Stock Rooms.
How to Rotate Food Rotation you Want to Eat
Food Storage sent automatically
to you on a monthly basis

Food - Preserving

Food - Gardening

Thousands of Farmers Kill Off Crops & Reduce Livestock
Gardening by The Foot
More Food Less Space
12 Mistakes to Avoid when Gardening in Raised Beds
Commond Raised Garden Beds Mistakes
Price of Produce Through the Year
Money saved in Gardening

Food - Cooking

The "4 Block" Rocket Stove!
DIY Rocket Stove - Simple Homemade

Water - Places to Find

Rain Harvesting Q/A, Cost, Is It Legal, How I Treat It, etc.
Rain Please

Water - Storage

8 Best Water Storage Options For Emergencies

Water - Purification

How to Purify and Filter Water Making it Safe to Drink
DIY - Big Berkey Style Water Filter System with 5 Gallon Buckets (1/4 Cost_

Gas Meters

How to Turn Off and On Your Gas Meter

Home Power - Solar

C O M I N G   S O O N

Power - Generators

Solar Panel Comparison: What to consider before buying
Pecron E2000LFP: The New King of Solar Generators?
Pecron Q3000S Portable Solar Power Station Review
Solar Panel Comparison: What to consider before buying

Important Warnings

5 Items That Will Soon Disappear
Some Church members opine that emergency plans and supplies, food storage, and 72-hour kits must not be important anymore because the Brethren have not spoken recently and extensively about these and related topics in general conference. But repeated admonitions to prepare have been proclaimed by leaders of the Church for decades. The consistency of prophetic counsel over time creates a powerful concert of clarity and a warning volume far louder than solo performances can ever produce.
Elder Bednar, We Will Prove Them Herewith - 2020,

Sanitation - Latrines

C O M I N G   S O O N

Pets and Emergencies

Pet Emergency Plan / How to Prepared Your Pets for an Emergency

Heating / Cooling

Off-Grid Water Heater Using a Rocket Stove – No Propane!
How we survived 120 degrees WITHOUT air-conditioning


C O M I N G   S O O N


C O M I N G   S O O N

EMP Protection

Protect Your Gun Safe, (and its contents), from an EMP
EMP Protection - Houses, Cars, Generators, Electronics
Protecting Generators, Inverters, and battery backup-backup systems from an EMP
EMP Prepping - Building and Faraday Cage


How to Get Home After an EMP
Emergency Car Kit

What to do for Earthquakes

10 Ways to Survive an Earthquake, According to Experts

Evacuation Plans

13 Things Not to Do

Personal Medicine and Medical Equipment

Medicine - Whether it's over-the-counter or prescription, Keep a sufficient reserve on hand. Know when you can get a refill and be prompt about refilling it.

Personal Medical Equipment - Make sure your equipment is in good working order and you have a power supply to keep it working during a power outtage. Condsider solar generators that are now available on the market.

Medical - First Aid Injury

From the Medical First Aid responders at the Utah State Fair
DO NOT BUY PRE-MADE MEDICAL KITS unless it is well researched to see if it will fit your needs. Most kits have things you'll rarely need and not enough of what you do need. Moreoever, they will be overpriced.
* Medical kits are a 'personalized kit' and you will want to make sure it will be sufficient for your needs
* You can get the supplies in bulk and at a more affordable price
* Building your own kit is a good exercise in refreshing your first-aid knowledge
* Having one large massive first aid kit works if you are in a stationary place. But that will not always be the case. Have different kits for different things. It also keeps things more organized as the items that make up a first-aid kit can add up. Moreover, you may be in a position where you won't need all the kits and you can take just what you need.
* This is for the backpacker or hiker. Having a small first aid kit is important. You can create a smaller kit with just what you will need for that hike from the other kits. Always create it right before you go.
* You will ensure that you have all of the supplies you need before you leave and keep you from being surpirsed on the trail if you find out certain items are missing
* It will refresh your first aid knowledge
When you get home, disassemble the smal kit and place each item where you got them from. This will help you assess your inventory levels

Medical - Standard Medicine and Vitamins

If you read, "Medical - First Aid Injury" above, the answer wil be the same.
Consider having a bag that holds medicines for your children and another that contains medicines for aduts for the following reasons.
* Two separate bags will keep the adult and youth medicines separate
* Some medicine cabinets are deep which can lead to medinces getting stuck in the back and lost or forgotten about. Having them in a bag were it can be taken off the shelf and placed on a table or bed keeps the medicines together and more easily found
* If they are in a bag, all of the medicines can be easily taken if you need to evacuatre or simply go on vacation. There is nothing like having a child get sick while on vacation and then scrambing to find a place where you can get the medicine


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